If you have any suggestions to make your experience better, please share your views with us. We'll be thankful. Or if you liked a product on some website and came to our website to get better prices but didn't find the product or if you really want a product from our website that is now out of stock, feel free to write to us. We'll try our best to get them for you. If you bought something and loved it, please send us your pics at contact@picknshoppe.com. Also, if you wanted to buy a product but faced an issue with the site or you bought a product and want to return it, please let us know. We will take it seriously. Address: #138/273,Triplicane high road Triplicane,Chennai.Tamilnadu Chennai-600005 Phone: +91 97893 56034(10am to 6pm) for any information. Whatsapp: +91 97893 56034(10am to 6pm). Email: contact@picknshoppe.com
Since then, we have grown to team of passionate people including Marketers, Software Engineers, Managers, photographers, CCEs, Karigars and Merchandisers working across fields from Fashion and Jewelry Design to Marketing to Warehousing and Manufacturing to Technology to Customer Service, becoming one of India's most well-recognised platforms for Fashion Jewelry with over 10k followers on Instagram...
We believe that every piece of fashion in every shape has its own story and we are here to write beautiful and memorable stories for the people who buy, style, and own our designs...
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